Mt. Vernon Independent Democrats "Our Mission"

“If that body of elected officials are ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. As members of Mt. Vernon Independent Democrats we will demand any fraud of the people be stopped.”

The Mt. Vernon Independent Democrats (MVID) will use innovative grassroots organizing strategies to help candidates break through the political glass ceiling. The MVID will target and mobilize support for all the races (including any important ballot measures) in one coordinated campaign. We also recruit and endorse strong community activist early in their political careers, recognizing that a candidate may have to run more than once to win.

The Mount Vernon Independent Democrats will be the voice for residents of Mt. Vernon in the politics of the Democratic Party. Born from the idea of the need of reform of the usual party boss rule for political gain without gain for the people in Mt. Vernon that includes all ethic groups and economic backgrounds.

As Independent Democrats we will continue to support progressive government and issues, help elect honest and intelligent public officials, and supports deserving and qualified judicial candidates. We serve as a direct conduit to local elected officials, organize forums to introduce prospective candidates to the voters, and then organize support behind our endorsed candidates.

With the MVID dedicated membership, and its network with other grassroots and community organizations, the MVID offers distinct benefits to both the candidates and the causes we support, as well as to the people who contribute to them. This is an organization "For the People and by the People."

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Three Kings That Are Responsible For Turning Mount Vernon Students Into Prison Inmates

Helena Mattis 

The Three Kings That Are Responsible For Turning Mount Vernon Students Into Prison Inmates

Dr. Reverend W. Franklyn Richard, as President of the United Black Clergy, Reginald (Reggie) LaFayette, Chairman of the Democratic Party in Mount Vernon and Mayor Ernest (Ernie) Davis, Mayor of the City of Mount Vernon

In a 6-2 ruling, yesterday, April 22th, the Supreme Court made it crystal clear that RACE will not be given consideration in admissions at the state universities in Michigan.  The trend against Affirmative Action in college admissions has been gaining ground for quite some time now.  States like Florida and California have already banned Affirmative Action in college admissions and they have experienced a significant drop in enrollment of Hispanics and Black students.  No doubt, this trend is going to continue and a number of other states, including New York, will eventually follow suit.
For those who believe that New York is too liberal a state to change, they ought to take a note that California, one of the most liberal states, has had this ban on Affirmative Action before the State of Michigan.  The implementation of Common Core in all States will make it very easy for Affirmative Action to be banned in every State.  Common Core provides the basis for a national and international standard to educate children so that they can compete with the best.  The children are taught how to think and support their arguments. Some opponents feel that the measures are too difficult for certain districts that have “special issues” and that those children are going to be left behind.  However, the trend is clear, that merit, rather than skin color will be the measure for admissions into the best schools and ultimately obtaining the best jobs.
School districts like Mount Vernon, which is 75 percent Black, will have to start thinking “outside of the box” to find solutions to the problems that are preventing it from competing on the same level with students in other districts like Scarsdale, Bronxville, Pelham, Yonkers and New Rochelle. It currently cost about $30,000 to educate a child in Mount Vernon.  The cost to educate a child in Yonkers and New Rochelle is about $22,000 and to educate a child at a private Catholic school is even cheaper.  At Good Counsel Academy Catholic School in White Plains the cost is a mere $8,000.  All of these schools with cheaper cost have been experiencing a much better success rate in educating children.  Therefore, the problem in Mount Vernon is not a lack of money.  It has to be something else. 
After Mayor Ernest Davis was elected to office in 1995, there was an objective for the Democratic Party and the United Black Clergy, which at the time was headed by Dr. Reverend W. Franklyn Richardson, to gain control of the school district.  These two bosom buddies formed a coalition called CEPAA.  CEPAA means Coalition for Empowerment of People of African Ancestry.  From the name, the idea is that the organization’s focus was to EMPOWER people of African Ancestry.  How can you argue with that?  Everyone who is alive today, unless they have been living under a rock somewhere, knows the history of slavery and how it has adversely affected Black people in America.  Black people have not been empowered because of racial discrimination and other forms of racism that has held us back.  Therefore, the objective to empower people of African ancestry is an exceptionally great one, so you would think, right?
Well, the question that got lost in our excitement for empowerment is, which people of African Ancestry are supposed to be empowered?  Is it all people or just a handful of people?  Well to answer this question, let us look at the historical facts.  About the late 1990s, CEPAA gained control of the school board.  The rulers of the Democratic Party and the United Black Clergy took over control of the Mount Vernon School District. The three kings of Mount Vernon:  Dr. Reverend W. Franklyn Richard, as President of the United Black Clergy, Mayor Ernest (Ernie) Davis, Mayor of the City of Mount Vernon and Reginald (Reggie) LaFayette, Chairman of the Democratic Party in Mount Vernon became empowered. The Board of Education and the Mount Vernon School District were stacked with individuals who owed allegiance to these three empowered Kings. For example, on The School Board, Mayor Ernie Davis had very close relatives in his sister-in-law, Frances Wynn and his brother-in-law, Gerald Coleman (whose wife Helen Coleman is the sister of Frances Wynn and the Mayor’s wife, Bettye Davis).  Dr. Reverend W. Franklyn Richards had several of his fellow ministers or clergies that were members of the United Black Clergy and Reginald LaFayette had warriors like Gloria Coleman and others.
Under the control of these three kings, The Mount Vernon School District has experienced a rapid and continuous decrease in students’ performance and a rapid and a continuous increase in the budget, which the poor, overburdened taxpayers of Mount Vernon have had to pay.  When CEPAA wanted control of the schools in Mount Vernon, its main argument was that the majority of students who are of African ancestry were failing due to racism.  They alleged that the Italian Civic Organization (ICA), which at the time controlled the school system was racist in that the schools on the north side of Mount Vernon, which they claimed were predominantly white were out performing the schools on the south side of Mount Vernon that had a predominantly Black student body.
Today, when we look at the scorecard, we see that ALL schools in Mount Vernon have continuously suffered decline in students’ performance, but the Democratic Party and the United Black Clergy are still singing the same song, “a significant number of Black children in Mount Vernon can’t read.” I was told that Dr. Reverend Franklyn Richardson announced to his congregation recently that the performance of the Black students in Mount Vernon is dismal, but what he didn’t tell them was that himself, Mayor Ernest Davis and Reginald Lafayette are chiefly responsible.  The United Black Clergy and the Democratic Party must really be convinced that the people in Mount Vernon are just absolutely stupid. Well, Helena, why would you say a thing like that? Do you have some other explanation as to why these three kings, who have successfully moved the Mount Vernon School District from good to terrible would still be asking the Mount Vernon people to support “their candidates?”  Yes, their candidates! 
After these three Kings took over the Mount Vernon School System and became “EMPOWERED,” there was no need for CEPAA anymore.  It had fulfilled its mandate, so it retired. The 75 percent students of African ancestry still were not empowered, but the CEPAA had completed its mission. It had successfully completed its mission to EMPOWER The Three Kings of Mount Vernon: Dr. Reverend W. Franklyn Richardson, Mayor Ernest Davis and Democratic Party Chairman, Reginald Lafayette.  Recently, candidates not under the control of these three kings have been gaining a foothold on the school board in a desire to turn things around from this dismal failure that the schools have experienced. 
To combat this and maintain control, an attempt to revive CEPAA under a new name was made.  Mayor Ernest Davis’ Ethics Czar, a lady with questionable ethics herself, Ronnie Cox, and her side kick, a former School Board Trustee who couldn’t get reelected, Deliah Farqharson as well as other members of the Democratic Party and United Black Clergy have formed a new organization called Mount Vernon Board Campaign Action Committee, Inc.  This organization in a rather unethical way (ironic) endorsed three candidates, Omar McDowall, Darcy Miller and Charmaine Fearson. However, there was a disagreement among the three kings regarding this endorsement.  The three kings were told that Darcy Miller and Charmaine Fearson are too independent. They have the disability of seeming to want to do their own thinking.  That is a “no, no” with these three kings.  They NEED individuals that do not think, but follow a script. Therefore, the three kings have decided to support three other candidates: Omar McDowall, Kathy Brewington and Marc Stucky. It is good to note that Omar McDowall is a keeper.  The three kings love him.  Kathy Brewington and Marc Stucky are former school board trustees who failed to make any positive changes in reversing the dismal performance of the Mount Vernon School District.  They too couldn’t get reelected. Yet, these individuals are the candidates that these three kings are offering to the Mount Vernon voters as a solution for our failing schools.
It should be clear that the mission of these three kings is now to remain “empowered.”  The students of African ancestry were never empowered by this coalition. CEPAA did empowered people of African ancestry, namely, Dr. Reverend W. Franklyn Richardson, Mayor Ernest Davis, Democratic Chairman Reginald Lafayette and all of their minions.  It has come to my attention that they are telling people in Mount Vernon not to vote for me, Helena Edwards, because, I am crazy. Apparently, these three kings are not only bad at running the school district they are also bad at History.  If they had any sense of History, they would know that every single individual who was able to impact positive changes in the world was at one point or another called crazy.  So, the fact that they are calling me crazy should be an endorsement of my competence and effectiveness.  Voters of Mount Vernon, how many times are you going to allow yourselves to be fooled?  Why would you continue to empower three kings in Mount Vernon to the disadvantage of the majority of people of African ancestry?  
These three kings have demonstrated that they are successful at one thing: turning students into prison inmates.  It is time to dis-empower these three men who for the longest while have abused our good nature with their schemes for personal enrichment at the expense of our children’s education.
 Read about the Supreme Courts Decision on Affirmative Action in Michigan:

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