Mt. Vernon Independent Democrats "Our Mission"

“If that body of elected officials are ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. As members of Mt. Vernon Independent Democrats we will demand any fraud of the people be stopped.”

The Mt. Vernon Independent Democrats (MVID) will use innovative grassroots organizing strategies to help candidates break through the political glass ceiling. The MVID will target and mobilize support for all the races (including any important ballot measures) in one coordinated campaign. We also recruit and endorse strong community activist early in their political careers, recognizing that a candidate may have to run more than once to win.

The Mount Vernon Independent Democrats will be the voice for residents of Mt. Vernon in the politics of the Democratic Party. Born from the idea of the need of reform of the usual party boss rule for political gain without gain for the people in Mt. Vernon that includes all ethic groups and economic backgrounds.

As Independent Democrats we will continue to support progressive government and issues, help elect honest and intelligent public officials, and supports deserving and qualified judicial candidates. We serve as a direct conduit to local elected officials, organize forums to introduce prospective candidates to the voters, and then organize support behind our endorsed candidates.

With the MVID dedicated membership, and its network with other grassroots and community organizations, the MVID offers distinct benefits to both the candidates and the causes we support, as well as to the people who contribute to them. This is an organization "For the People and by the People."

Monday, March 31, 2014

Republicans Block the New York State Dream Act- Another Dream Differed!

Many felt it wasn’t the right time, but New York state Senate Independent Democratic Conference Leader Jeff Klein thought it was.
He was wrong.
Last Monday night, the state Senate rejected a bill that would have provided tuition assistance to undocumented college students. Falling two votes short of the 32 needed for passage, the Dream Act could’ve made a significant impact on the 8,000 college-age immigrants who were brought to this country by their parents as kids.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo expressed his disappointment with the results in a statement, but he said he’d continue to advocate for the passage of the Dream Act.
“I will continue to work with supporters, stakeholders and members of the Legislature to achieve this dream and build the support to pass this legislation and preserve New York’s legacy as a progressive leader,” said Cuomo.
Other elected officials weren’t as diplomatic in their reaction.
“Today, as the New York state Dream Act was brought to the Senate floor, not a single Republican voted in favor of this critical legislation,” Senate Democratic Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said in a statement after the bill failed. “Senate Co-Leader Klein was incapable of achieving the bipartisan support that was essential for the Dream Act to pass due to the current composition of the state Senate.”
State Sen. Bill Perkins said that a dream was deferred “despite the fact that a majority of senators present voted for the Dream Act; the final vote was 30 for the measure and 29 against. A majority generally rules—in the schoolyard, in the boardroom and at the ballot box—just not in the New York state Senate, where a coalition rules.”
Klein’s Independent Democratic Conference allies with Senate Republicans, forming the chamber’s governing coalition. Klein has all but said that the Senate majority isn’t interested in revisiting the Dream Act.
“Few of us can imagine the heartbreak that the nearly 4,000 dreamers who graduate from high school in our state each year are experiencing,” said state Sen. Adriano Espaillat in a statement. “Few of us can imagine the frustration and anger that bright young New Yorkers who have lived in this country virtually their entire lives feel every day they are denied the chance to succeed through hard work. Few of us can imagine how much good would be accomplished through the modest investment required by the Dream Act.”
But activists aren’t taking the defeat lying down. With the desire to have the government meet their needs, more than 400 people took to Albany on Wednesday, protesting at the state Capitol and demanding fair funding for public education, the eventual passage of the Dream Act, a ban on hydrofracking and the prevention of billions of dollars in tax breaks for wealthy New Yorkers.
Fifty-nine people were arrested.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Westchester County is guilty of Selective Prosecution many times in our so-called Justice System.

Westchester County is guilty of Selective Prosecution many times in our so-called Justice System.

The "Jim Crow" Shadow

In jurisprudence, selective prosecution is a procedural defense in which a defendant argues that he should not be held criminally liable for breaking the law, as the criminal justice system discriminated against him by choosing to prosecute.  Such a claim might, for example, entail an argument that persons of different age, race, religion, or gender, were engaged in the same illegal actions for which the defendant is being tried and were not prosecuted, and that the defendant is only being prosecuted because of a bias. In the US, this defense is based upon the 14th Amendment, which stipulates, "nor shall any state deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Unfortunately in the 21st century residents of Westchester County are living beings sacrificed and victims of Selective Prosecution. We are reminded of the murdering of Detective Christopher Ridely, Danroy Henry, and Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. In addition to the violent physical attack on White Plains Police Officer Michael Hannon. Family members of these victims and the victim have asked Janet Difiore to investigate these cases.  Time after time she had referred the investigation "back" to the same police department in question of breaking the law.

Despite everything a reported "FIFTY" thousand dollars was used to investigate the name "Elmo Wesly" on a petition for Damon K. Jones a candidate running as City Councilman.  A local blogger found out that Elmo Wesly III does exist and that Janet DiFiore's office harasses, disrespects, and intimidate residents of Mount Vernon. Residents of Mount Vernon encountered being approached and asked if they signed a petition, why did they sign the petition, and were told that they will take down Damon K. Jones the candidate who is running as City Councilman. The energy placed on signatures is alarming. 

The Jim Crow Shadow has been long gone but today in Mount Vernon a, more subtitle, cynical, and creative tactics have taken place. One is preventing an African-American from becoming a candidate or obtaining office and the second is diluting the African-American votes by intimidation.  As Independent Democrats, we ask would they do this in Scarsdale or Briarcliff Manor? And why hasn't these "Bull Connor" style tactics been denounced by our Black leaders in the Mt. Vernon community?

Lucian Chalfen, a spokesman for DiFiore, said  his office is looking into a complaint filed by Maria Caraballo who is accusing the candidate who is running as City Councilman Damon K. Jones of petition fraud. Caraballo never went through the challenge process that was afforded her by the Board of Elections according to New York State Election Law. But, they have yet committed the same resources in the deaths of innocent men by police in Westchester County. We have yet to see the same zeal in investigation tactics for the cases mentioned above.

Rob Astorino Speaking about his plans to Hijack the Independence Party

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Cronyism, Nepotism and Boy Toys in the Astorino Administration

Below is a statement from the Concerned Employees of DSS. As Independent Democrats, its our duty to Demand the Fraud of our people be Stopped!
Cronyism, Nepotism and Boy Toys
in the Astorino Administration 
Dear concerned citizens of Westchester County, Elected Officials and the Press:

We are writing this letter as both a fellow concerned citizens of Westchester County and concerned public servants who work for the Westchester County Department of Social Services. We have been loyal and hardworking employees for over twenty years and feel we can no longer remain silent about what is happening in this department and throughout the County. We take no pleasure in airing the County’s dirty laundry and wish that this did not have to be done.

We have taken a lot time and put a lot of thought into naming specific names, titles and other information but feel that all of this information is public knowledge and can be found through internet searches and Freedom of Information requests.

Just a quick aside regarding civil service law, pay grades and job titles, to become a County employee a regular person would take a test and if you passed high enough and met the job requirements you would be hired and have to pass a yearlong probation period to then become permanent. The vast majority of individuals mentioned here have not followed this procedure. It also holds true that for a current employee to get a promotion the same procedure must be followed. Next lets discuss the basics of pay and pay grades. County employees are paid on a sale using grades from one to twenty, the higher the grade the higher the pay.  The same holds true for job responsibilities the higher the number the greater both pay and responsibility. All this information is open for public view by going to the Westchester County Department of Human Resources whose offices are located in the main county office building in White Plains.

We are not sure where to start but feel that it is important to say up front we had a strong feeling of optimism and excitement when this new administration came to power and was looking forward to great change. While the prior administration was accused of patronage and cronyism what this new administration is currently doing pales in comparison. All that you read below is being done while the current county executive deceives the citizens of Westchester regarding his waste cutting and tax cutting. We do not want this letter to be considered an attack on anyone person but all of these troubles and problems can all be traced back to one person and one political party.

At DSS these problems begin at the top and go right through the whole department. The top of the pyramid all begins with a Rob Asorino appointee Phil Gille the first deputy commissioner and as anybody in DSS can tell you the real decision maker nothing at DSS from as small as painting an office to as big as promoting Directors happens without his approval. Mr. Gille holds court from his numerous offices including ones in White Plains, Mt. Vernon and Yonkers. Every lead manager, district director and associate or assistant commissioner reports to him and he reports to the commissioner. We don’t find this to be a workable system it is as if all the information and decisions are done by the vice president and the president is just there for show.

Mr. Gille has surrounded himself with a staff of appointed employees who loyal to both him and the Republican Party. These loyalties can be show by the large number of high ranking Republican Party members who are now employed at DSS. These appointments and promotions have caused long time employees to lose faith in civil service system. Many long time employees have waited years and passed civil service tests to be promoted just to see some newly hired individual be promoted without any explanation.

A perfect example of this in one Gille appointee Gerard Gershonowitz who has been with the county for less than three years, never taken any civil service exams has no experience regarding any aspect of Social Services but still has a supervisory position for which he is totally unqualified. His only qualification seems to be that he is a member of the Log Cabin Republican’s.

Our next example of patronage and cronyism is group of employees who were appointed by Mr. Gille to the position of Eligibility Clerk and upon have to take the civil service exam were unable to pass it. These employees include Rosemary Jarosz, Kelly Murray and Tracey Traverson. All of these employees upon failing the exam should have lost their jobs but due to their close ties to the republican party and Phil Gille remain employed as he hastily made up a new unheard of and never before used title of Community Outreach Worker to provide them with continued employment. Long time DSS employees have never heard of this title and do not know what place it has in DSS.

To switch gears let's discuss the mass promotions that were announced in September of 2013. During which over thirteen people were promoted just to allow for certain individuals to remain in their jobs, those individuals being Leonard Townes and Stacey Reynolds. Some of the most egregious promotions are for individuals who are doing the same job but are getting higher pay. One example is Mark Szuba currently a manager three who currently is doing the exact same job at higher pay. Not only is he doing the same job but he is actually doing less as the one supervisor who did report to him was promoted. The next example is Nancy Sigler a recently promoted manager two who is doing the same job as a recently retired manager one. All the while over twenty demoted employees await reinstatement to their old jobs where they are badly needed. As a result of these mass promotions DSS has become a top heavy organization. The next individual whose appointment, job description and title are all in question is Joseph Kenner. For those who are interested Mr. Kenner a long time consultant to Mr. Astorino and is now employed as deputy commissioner at DSS. This position seems to all to be complete waste of salary as he no knowledge of any of the workings of DSS or any of its programs and the department has no need for more top level staff. An example of the bloated upper management can be seen at the Yonkers district office where there is one director, one manger two and two manager ones to lead five units each of which have a supervisor and some have assistant supervisors. This is example where supervisory staff actually out number front line staff.

Another part of DSS that is unnecessarily top heavy is the homeless area. This is the division of DSS that deals with the homeless population of Westchester and strives to find them permanent housing. Currently it is staffed with a Director Stacey Reynolds, two mangers Jose Mathew and Patricia Quattrochi, a program administrator Christopher Wilkens, a program specialist Miguel Velazquez, two supervisors Alex Joga and Nathan Treadwell and finally an assistant supervisor and it is rumored they are looking for two more program specialists. All of these individuals are over an area that consists of two units and under twelve front line workers. We are not MBA's or management specialists but think this seems a bit excessive to even a layman.

The next interesting addition to the DSS family is Marie Claudel, where Marie came from and what she does is anybody's guess. What is known is that as a Community Outreach Worker which is a lower job at DSS but Mrs. Claudel has her own office and makes her own hours. When questioned about these actions her answer is to ask Phil, the aforementioned Phil Gille. The most interesting fact about Marie is who she is married too. She is the wife Guy Parisi and he is Rob Astorino's lawyer.

Art Sullivan is another political appointee who has never taken a test or followed any civil service rules to get to the position he has achieved. Again as a long time employee is is dejecting to see somebody in an advanced position who has no qualifications or ability at his job. In fact his actions are detrimental to the department. Mr. Sullivan is in charge of all DSS computers and systems and his lack of experience in this area is painfully obvious to those who have to deal with him. He is doing so poorly at his job the department has had to add another employee to assist him.

Now here is a list of Gille appointees that again have not taken any civil services tests to arrive at the postions that they hold. This group includes Brian Furlong, Nick Gonzalez, Morgan Abdelnour, Mathew McCarrick, Steve Murray, Michael Recca, Anthony Ferriello and Gerard Longarzo. All of these appointees have three things in common. First they a male, second they are white and third they are all under the age of thirty.

All the young boys hired by Phil Gille are called his "Boy Toys". Literally they do nothing but take up space in our department, and steal contract money doled out by the NYS and the Feds. 

Finally let us look at what use to be called the Bureau of Case Review and is now called the Office of Program Integrity. This is another area that is grossly over staffed with management and special appointees. While front line work cannot be completed due to a lack of field workers the management side keeps growing. Currently there is one manager two Paul Wozarick, a manager one Eugene Chilini, and rumor has it that two new special positions are being created. One is budget specialist for Edward Fagan another person brand new to DSS with little or no knowledge of any programs but a close associate of Phil Gille and the other is the above mentioned Nick Gonzalez whose credentials and exact position are yet to be determined.

This letter could continue but time is short and the longer this is allowed to continue the stronger the cancer that is inside DSS grows. Long time employees are retiring early to escape the problems that this new administration has caused. Absenteeism and low moral have become major problems at the department. Most employees took this job to help people who need help but now find themselves fighting for their own survival and having to try to do more with less. We wish we could conclude this letter on a positive note but it our belief that until these internal problems are corrected and those responsible are removed there is no solution.


Concerned Employees of DSS

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Westchester Independence Party wins appeal to kick out nearly 4,000 of its members

Westchester Independence Party wins appeal to kick out nearly 4,000 of its members

The party endorsed his Democratic rival but pursued a purge of the membership of nearly all the voters who registered with it after the beginning of 2012.
The purge of 4,000 members cuts the party down by about 17 percent.
Supreme Court Judge Robert DiBella at the end of February allowed the party to kick out 31 members after he was presented with evidence that they were not in sympathy with the principles of the party, the standard in state law for removing members. The law is designed to prevent raids on minor parties that would turn them into adjuncts of the major parties.
The party appealed DiBella's ruling on the other 3,000-plus members who didn't show up to party hearings or send letters contesting their removal. In a ruling Wednesday, the Appellate Division said failing to appear or respond was sufficient evidence under state law.
Peter Tilem, the lawyer for the Independence Party, said it gives the loyal members their vote back.
"When you have 4,000 people that are enrolled in your party that are doing it to subvert the principles of the party it damages the party," he said.
The voters will still be able to cast ballots but will be moved to the unaffiliated column.

The Failed Republican Party Raid of the Independence Party
As part of its continuing effort to thwart what its leaders said was a Republican raid of the party, the Independence Party of Westchester succeeded in persuading a state judge to allow it to kick out 31 party members at the end of February.
But in the same decision, state Supreme Court Judge Robert DiBella refused to accede to the party’s request to remove nearly 4,000 other members, saying the party didn’t present enough evidence that each individual was not in sympathy with the party’s principles as required by state law. But the party has appealed the decision and will be back in court on Friday at the Appellate Division in Brooklyn.
“We’re seeking to get the judge overturned on the rest of them,” said Peter Tilem, the lawyer for the party.
Independence Party leaders have said the large number of new members of the Independence Party in 2012 and 2013 were the result of a deliberate plan by the Republican Party to take control of the party, remove the leadership and get the ballot line for Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino in his reelection last year. Some of the new members had clear ties to the county executive and his top lieutenants while others said they enrolled to try out an alternative to the major parties.
Astorino, a Republican now running for governor, lost the chance to get the party line in August when his primary election write-in bid was invalidated by Judge DiBella. DiBella ruled that the petitions were filed late and also agreed to disenroll six members of the Independence Party who filed the petitions, rendering them invalid. Astorino lost again on appeal.
In his gubernatorial campaign, Astorino has said he will not accept the Independence Party line because the party stands for only its own self-interest. He is calling on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to do the same.
Emboldened by the earlier win, the Independence Party leadership last fall brought both the state case to disenroll nearly 4,000 members and a federal case alleging an illegal raid on the party to control the outcome of the primary election. A pre-motion conference in the federal case is set for April 2.
Most of the 31 people removed from the party (who kept their registrations as unaffiliated voters) in the latest case said they had enrolled by mistake or agreed to being disenrolled.
Astorino's Hypocracy known all over New York State
Despite  Astorino's criticizing the Independence Party as corrupt today, Rob Astorino has made a combined $14,750 in political contributions to the political party since 2007, including a personal check for $3,000 in 2008, all in an attempt to secure their endorsement in his various races over the years. In fact, Rob Astorino sought and received the Independence Party endorsement in 2003 and 2009 when he ran against incumbent Westchester County Executive Andy Spano.
Just last year as he was gearing up for his reelection, Astorino made a contribution of$6,000 in May in the hopes of persuading the Independence Party to endorse him once again. When the party went with his challenger, he then tried to hijack the Independence Party nominating process by having his friends, family, and staff register as Independents to carry nominating petitions for him. In the end, a judge invalidated his petitions and called him out on the shady practice.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Sharpton does something that many Westchester Black Pastors have Failed to do! Demand Accountability from Astorino

Update: After Al Shaprton's visit to Grace Baptist Church many Black Pastors have followed his lead in not supporting  Astorino for his election for Governor because of his refusal to settle the HUD lawsuit that would give housing to many families in need in Westchester. 

Rev. Al Sharpton to Astorino: 'Settle the lawsuit

MOUNT VERNON – The Rev. Al Sharpton has a message for Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino: Not so fast. Standing at the podium of Grace Baptist Church, the civil rights activist delivered a fiery sermon Sunday that mixed politics and spiritual uplift. His sternest message, however, was directed at Astorino for his handling of a federal housing settlement.

"You want a promotion? Do the job you got right now," Sharpton said to loud applause. "Settle the lawsuit."

Astorino, a Republican who this month announced he is running for governor, is asking for permission to sue the Department of Housing and Urban Development again over $10 million in grants from 2012 and 2013.

HUD has withheld the community development grants in a dispute over a requirement that the county analyze zoning in Westchester municipalities to identify obstacles to multifamily and affordable housing. A 2009 fair housing settlement requires the county to fund the construction of 750 units of affordable housing in 31 mostly white towns and take other steps to promote fair housing.

"Right now, federal funds won't come into Westchester County from HUD because county leader Astorino and them have not settled the lawsuit," Sharpton said.

After knocking Astorino's gubernatorial ambitions, Sharpton said black church leaders like the Rev. Franklyn Richardson, pastor of Grace Baptist Church, come under frequent scrutiny and criticism for their community activism.

But their advocacy on issues like affordable housing typically doesn't receive the same type of media attention, he said. "If I got up and called black people two or three different 'Uncle Toms,' they like that," Sharpton said. "But talk about, 'We need HUD money in here because we need affordable housing in here because everybody in Westchester is not living with the same means,' that is something that is not as appealing."

Richardson, who publicly endorsed Astorino for re-election last year, was away Sunday.

A spokesperson for Astorino did not respond to requests for comment.

Sharpton, who hosts a 6 p.m. news show on MSNBC, is a power broker with New York's minority communities. He founded the civil rights organization National Action Network in 1991.

Anticipating Sharpton's appearance, churchgoers filled the massive white brick churchat 52 S. Sixth Ave. for both the 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. services. He was greeted with standing applause.

"He's a standout; he's a voice of the people," said Rodney Anderson, 44, of Yonkers, as he left the church.

Speaking to reporters afterward, Sharpton also weighed in on racist rants leveled at Mount Vernon students during a Feb. 27 basketball semifinal against Mahopac at the Westchester County Center.

"I was at the White House two weeks ago," Sharpton said. "I'm looking at a black president and then I hear about this confrontation. It shows me how far we've come; it shows me how far we have yet to go.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Republican Rob Astorino Rules Out Independence Party Line, Calls On Cuomo To Do Same

Republican Rob Astorino Rules Out Independence Party Line, Calls On Cuomo To Do Same - UPDATED

Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino effectively took himself out of the running for the Independence Party nomination Thursday and called on Gov. Cuomo to do the same.
“I can’t see any scenario where I would accept the Independence Party nomination,” Astorino, the Westchester County executive, said during an Albany radio interview.
“I do know that there are county chairs for the Independence Party who are good honest people but there are plenty who are not,” Astorino said, citing his own experiences with Westchester County leader Giulio Cavallo as an example.
Cavallo – who has appeared on the payrolls of both Senate Republicans and Democrats depending on which party had the majority -  backed Astorino’s 2009 campaign for county executive but shunned his re-election bid last year after complaining that the Republican did not abide by his recommendations for patronage appointments.
“It is  part of a very  corrupt system,” Astorino said. “They don’t stand for a thing other than jobs and for themselves.”
Astorino said he agreed with Nassau County Democratic Chairman Jay Jacobs’  call for politicians of both parties to shun the Independence Party and called on Cuomo to also back the effort.
UPDATE: There's been no response from Cuomo or the governor's re-election campaign to Astorino's comments. However, the Astorino Truth Squad, an operation run by Westchester Democrats, has blasted out an email criticizing Astorino for $14,750 in contributions to the Independence Party since 2007.
"Despite criticizing the Independence Party as corrupt today, Rob Astorino has made a combined $14,750 in political contributions to the political party since 2007, including a personal check for $3,000 in 2008, all in an attempt to secure their endorsement in his various races over the years. In fact, Rob Astorino sought and received the Independence Party endorsement in 2003 and 2009 when he ran against incumbent Westchester County Executive Andy Spano.

"Just last year as he was gearing up for his reelection, Astorino made a contribution of $6,000 in May in the hopes of persuading the Independence Party to endorse him once again. When the party went with his challenger, he then tried to hijack the Independence Party nominating process by having his friends, family, and staff register as Independents to carry nominating petitions for him. In the end, a judge invalidated his petitions and called him out on the shady practice.

"Rob Astorino’s comments today are another example of his saying one thing and doing another. You simply cannot trust a word he says."

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mahopac high school players accused of racist tweets

Eyewitness News
MOUNT VERNON, N.J. (WABC) -- Three Mahopac High School basketball players have been suspended after school officials said they posted racist tweets following a recent game against Mount Vernon.

It happened after Mount Vernon's basketball team defeated Mahopac Feb. 27th in a tense game in the NYSPHSAA Section 1AA Boys Basketball tournament.
"Some of Mahopac's team players displayed a lack of dignity and disrespect toward Mount Vernon by posting Twitter comments that cannot be condoned nor tolerated," said Mount Vernon Mayor Ernest D. Davis.
At the game, there were scuffles in the stands between supporters of both teams. "Everyone at Mahopac and everyone at Mount Vernon, they were all screaming and cursing at each other. I would never think a basketball game would be taken to that level," said student Adam Dervishaj.
The bad blood spilled into the Twitter-sphere, particularly among several Mahopac high school students. "2, 4, 6, 8, most of them won't graduate" is probably the tamest tweet we can report.
Many of the taunts were racist in nature, one student posting an image of a Confederate flag.
Another student replies, "Plz parade it thru the halls tomorrow."
The Mahopac superintendent of schools, Thomas Manko, is not mincing words.
"I'm appalled, it's unacceptable. Our children know better. Parents can't watch them 24/7 and make them write what they should write," Manko said.
He said any students who participated in the tweets will be held accountable, and that three students whose tweets were verified have been suspended. Several more might be disciplined.
Mount Vernon officials released screen grabs of tweets captured before they were deleted, racist messages with the hashtag #mountvernonzoo.
"While we can't take what happened back, we can make sure that it doesn't occur anymore at any other school," said Mayor Davis.
But others in Mahopac point out that Mount Vernon supporters should share some of the blame, and fear their community will be portrayed as intolerant.
"We're a very healthy and good community that is willng to face up to issues that may arise from time to time, and we don't turn a deaf ear or slide things under the rug," said Manko.

The Mount Vernon school district says it plans to take its concerns to the state education commissioner and is also reaching out to the governor's office.