The Global Roots of the Common Core State Standards
By Heather Singmaster and Anthony Jackson
The education system of the United States was built, in part, by
utilizing the best ideas from abroad, mainly from Germany and Scotland. But
after achieving the leading education system in the world, and the first
country to achieve mass secondary education, and the first to promote higher
education broadly, we stopped looking abroad for new ways to improve.
In contrast, other nations, especially in Asia, built superior
pre-collegiate education systems through relentless investigation of what works
to educate students well wherever good ideas could be found.
As a result, while education in the United States hasn’t necessarily
gotten worse, education systems elsewhere have improved. For example, if
reading, math, and science scores for each of the 65 nations or provinces
taking OECD’s Program for International
Student Assessment (PISA) in 2009 are averaged to create a single
composite ranking, the United States would rank 26th.
Eight of the top ten entities on that composite average are from the
Asia-Pacific region, led by Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, and Japan.
The rise of education in Asia is no accident. It reflects policies and national
investment strategies that recognize the tight link between the quality of
education, growth in the economy, and stability within society. Importantly,
Asia’s rise also reflects benchmarking of effective approaches and systematic
efforts to integrate best practices within their own cultural and political
To remain competitive in a global economy, the United States must
improve its education system.
Fortunately, the tide appears to be shifting toward a renewed American
interest in learning from—and in collaboration with—high-performing and rapidly
improving countries.
Nowhere is this more apparent than in the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The
CCSS reflect an understanding among American educators that the highest
performing countries create high, consistent expectations for student learning.
Moreover, wide discrepancies in state standards are seen as one of the reasons
that the United States is not as competitive as it once was on international
Their report, Benchmarking for
Success: Ensuring U.S. Students Receive a World-Class Education,
called on states to upgrade their standards by “adopting a common core of
internationally benchmarked standards in math and language arts for grades
K-12.” William Schmidt, University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State
University, laid out in the report the key elements of standards in high-performing
countries: focus, rigor, and coherence.
Meanwhile in the United States, it is commonly said that standards are
“a mile wide and an inch deep.” In other words, the old standards strived to
cover too many topics, which are repeated across various grades, leaving
American students lagging years behind their counterparts in other parts of the
The OECD agrees. It found that the high expectations and standards set
by high-performing countries are helping to:
• “Establish rigorous,
focused and coherent content at all grade levels
• Reduce overlap in
curricula across grades
• Reduce variation in
implemented curricula across classrooms
• Facilitate
coordination of various policy drivers, ranging from curricula to teacher
• Reduce inequality in
curricula across socio-economic groups.”
Singapore and China are two good examples of countries with rigorous
standards. Each has a strong early focus on math and science. Singapore also
ensures students have a strong foundation in world languages. In both
countries, teachers receive strong subject-matter preparation and continuing
professional development opportunities.
In most, but not all high-performing countries, a central curriculum
accompanies the standards. This helps to ensure consistency in teacher training
and implementation. For instance, Australia has recently developed national
standards and curriculum, along with a range of resources available online to
support implementation.
Along with standards and curriculum, the third leg of the stool for
creating high expectations for student learning is rigorous assessments. The
form assessments take vary widely in high-performing countries: from Finland,
which primarily uses school-based assessments with periodic sample testing from
the national level, to South Korea, which famously places all emphasis on the
end-of-school exam. Increasingly, the leading education systems are creating
opportunities for more open-ended and performance-based assessments to provide
students more authentic ways of demonstrating mastery of disciplinary and
interdisciplinary knowledge and skills.
Now, less than four years after the Benchmarking for Success
report was finished, Common Core State Standards in Math and English Language
Arts have been adopted by 45 states and the District of Columbia.
How do these new standards compare to those in high-performing
William Schmidt did a comparative analysis of the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice,
finding that they resemble those of high-performing, or “A+ countries” (defined
as those that had their 8th grade students placing at the top of NAEP), and
have more rigor, focus, and coherence than the standards they replace. In fact,
he found a 90% overlap between the CCSS and the standards of the A+ countries.
The CCSS emphasize the 21st Century skills of creative,
problem-solving, and critical thinking, needed to succeed in today’s world, a
focus shared by the world’s highest performing education systems. In Hong Kong,
the strategy is called “Learning to Learn” and focuses on moving away from
memorization toward liberal studies, problem solving, creativity, and critical
thinking. In Finland, learning goals focus on “21st century citizen skills,
including problem-solving, teamwork and entrepreneurship skills, participation
and initiative.” And in the European Union, there is a focus on innovation,
creativity, entrepreneurship, self-direction, and motivation.
hope that the American revival of adapting best practices from other nations
will restore our education system as the envy of the world.
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