Mt. Vernon Independent Democrats "Our Mission"

“If that body of elected officials are ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. As members of Mt. Vernon Independent Democrats we will demand any fraud of the people be stopped.”

The Mt. Vernon Independent Democrats (MVID) will use innovative grassroots organizing strategies to help candidates break through the political glass ceiling. The MVID will target and mobilize support for all the races (including any important ballot measures) in one coordinated campaign. We also recruit and endorse strong community activist early in their political careers, recognizing that a candidate may have to run more than once to win.

The Mount Vernon Independent Democrats will be the voice for residents of Mt. Vernon in the politics of the Democratic Party. Born from the idea of the need of reform of the usual party boss rule for political gain without gain for the people in Mt. Vernon that includes all ethic groups and economic backgrounds.

As Independent Democrats we will continue to support progressive government and issues, help elect honest and intelligent public officials, and supports deserving and qualified judicial candidates. We serve as a direct conduit to local elected officials, organize forums to introduce prospective candidates to the voters, and then organize support behind our endorsed candidates.

With the MVID dedicated membership, and its network with other grassroots and community organizations, the MVID offers distinct benefits to both the candidates and the causes we support, as well as to the people who contribute to them. This is an organization "For the People and by the People."

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Thanks Rev. Richardson for getting Black People to support Separatist Astorino

According to Webster’s dictionary a Separatist is one who is an advocate for racial or cultural separation.

Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino has refused to adopt any legislation that will ban discrimination against residents who pay their rent with government vouchers. The Astorino administration has not strategized how to eliminate local zoning laws that make it impossible for some Black and Latino families to find housing in the county.

The media has now reported that the county was notified that it would lose $5.2 million in federal community development grants from 2012 if it didn't reverse its long-standing contention that local zoning is not an obstacle to diversifying Westchester communities. An analysis of local zoning is a requirement of the settlement with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Astorino’s response was, " the $5.2 million, or any amount of money, wasn't worth giving up local control over zoning.”

In essence, the Astorino Administration has promoted and are willing to maintain a Separatist mentality in our county and no amount of lost money in governmental grants will changed his mind.

Unfortunately, Astorino’s opposition to HUD or supporting a segregated Westchester didn’t stop Rev. Richardson a resident of Scarsdale or many other black pastors in Westchester from supporting him this last election.

According to news reports, Richardson’s reason why he supported Astorino  wasn’t social justice or equity in government or even fiscal responsibility. He noted that Astorino had made available $45,000 for Grace Freedom School (Taxpayer money)

Now that Astroino has been reelected as County Executive and has basically abandoned his post to campaign for Governor. The Democrats of Westchester with no direction from party boss Reggie Lafayette have no game plan to hold Cuomo to a win in Westchester in November.

The Westchester Democratic Party who has executed one of the most embarrassing campaigns and loss with Noam Bramson by losing many of the so-called influential black vote now call on Rev. Al Sharpton of the National Action Network to go on attack.

Unfortunately, there is a little flaw in their strategy. A little talked about fact is that Rev. Richardson is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Al Sharpton National Action Network.
Rev. Richardson was conveniently  absent when Al Sharpton first called out Astorino at Grace Baptist Church. He was also absent at the recent press conference. Rev. Richardson has never had any problem standing with Sharpton in the past.

What Al Sharpton and Rev. Richardson are doing is sending mix messages to the Westchester community, Westchester County Democrats, the black community and the Westchester membership of the National Action Network. How can your Chairman support Astorino and months later Al Sharpton condemn him?

If the Democratic Party really wants the Westchester Community and the black community to really think that they are sincere and not just another political ploy. Next time have Rev. Richardson and Al Sharpton stand together and condemn Astorino and then we might think the Democratic Party is really serious and not just another photo op!

As  Democrats, we are opposed to any win by Rob Astorino and he should be held accountable for failing to abide by the housing settlement.  As Independent Democrats we demand our Democratic leadership to stop sending confusing messages that only discourage the masses of Democrats from participating in the process of elections.

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