Mt. Vernon Independent Democrats "Our Mission"

“If that body of elected officials are ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. As members of Mt. Vernon Independent Democrats we will demand any fraud of the people be stopped.”

The Mt. Vernon Independent Democrats (MVID) will use innovative grassroots organizing strategies to help candidates break through the political glass ceiling. The MVID will target and mobilize support for all the races (including any important ballot measures) in one coordinated campaign. We also recruit and endorse strong community activist early in their political careers, recognizing that a candidate may have to run more than once to win.

The Mount Vernon Independent Democrats will be the voice for residents of Mt. Vernon in the politics of the Democratic Party. Born from the idea of the need of reform of the usual party boss rule for political gain without gain for the people in Mt. Vernon that includes all ethic groups and economic backgrounds.

As Independent Democrats we will continue to support progressive government and issues, help elect honest and intelligent public officials, and supports deserving and qualified judicial candidates. We serve as a direct conduit to local elected officials, organize forums to introduce prospective candidates to the voters, and then organize support behind our endorsed candidates.

With the MVID dedicated membership, and its network with other grassroots and community organizations, the MVID offers distinct benefits to both the candidates and the causes we support, as well as to the people who contribute to them. This is an organization "For the People and by the People."

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hassell-Thompson may vie for Davis' seat in Mount Vernon

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MOUNT VERNON — State Sen. Ruth Hassell-Thompson is weighing a run for the seat now held by embattled Mayor Ernest Davis.
Hassell-Thompson, 70, a Democrat and former Mount Vernon councilwoman, formed what she called an exploratory political committee Monday to make a run at the mayoralty of her home city, a move she said was not influenced by Davis’ current woes.
“It’s not a decision. It’s a contemplation,” said Hassell-Thompson, who has held the Albany seat since 2000. “I’m looking to see, number one, if I can raise the money and, number two, if there’s an interest.”
“I’m contemplating it because people have approached me and asked me to consider it,” she added.
The move comes as Davis is in the midst of a federal probe surrounding businesses and charities he formed, and real estate he owns in four states. At leasttwo city employees have been subpoenaed.
Davis did not return calls seeking comment.
But Hassell-Thompson, who has $59,000 in her state Senate campaign committee, said Davis’ situation “is not influencing anything,” and said she is scheduled to meet with Davis and party leaders this week.
It’s also not the first time she considered the run. She said she was approached prior to the 2011 campaign, when Clinton Young was in office after defeating Davis in 2007.
Hassell-Thompson said she opted against the move, and Davis ultimately ran again successfully.

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