Mt. Vernon Independent Democrats "Our Mission"

“If that body of elected officials are ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. As members of Mt. Vernon Independent Democrats we will demand any fraud of the people be stopped.”

The Mt. Vernon Independent Democrats (MVID) will use innovative grassroots organizing strategies to help candidates break through the political glass ceiling. The MVID will target and mobilize support for all the races (including any important ballot measures) in one coordinated campaign. We also recruit and endorse strong community activist early in their political careers, recognizing that a candidate may have to run more than once to win.

The Mount Vernon Independent Democrats will be the voice for residents of Mt. Vernon in the politics of the Democratic Party. Born from the idea of the need of reform of the usual party boss rule for political gain without gain for the people in Mt. Vernon that includes all ethic groups and economic backgrounds.

As Independent Democrats we will continue to support progressive government and issues, help elect honest and intelligent public officials, and supports deserving and qualified judicial candidates. We serve as a direct conduit to local elected officials, organize forums to introduce prospective candidates to the voters, and then organize support behind our endorsed candidates.

With the MVID dedicated membership, and its network with other grassroots and community organizations, the MVID offers distinct benefits to both the candidates and the causes we support, as well as to the people who contribute to them. This is an organization "For the People and by the People."

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Anti- Labor, Anti-Union, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker will raise Money for Rob Astorino to kill Unions in New York

It has been reported that anti-labor Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker will be the main attraction for a fundraiser on June 9 to raise money for Republican Rob Astorino.

The presence of Scott Walker is a clear indication to New York voters that Rob Astorino is anti-labor, and anti middle class. It also indicates the first steps of possible Kotch Brothers money to flow in New York elections.

Astorino has made it clear in many statements that he will follow the footsteps of Gov. Scott Walker if he becomes Governor of New York.

In the past Rob Astorino made promises to Corporations to lower county workers salaries so that the business tax base could be lowered in 2010. Many county employees can't even afford to live in Westchester.

As Independent Democrats, we warn Union Bosses, especially Westchester Union Bosses and law enforcement organizations that failed to do their homework and endorsed him for County Executive and giving him the platform to run for Governor this fall. 

Here's a few points that Astorino believes that unions are “choking” NY’s governments:

*Change state laws so unions won't have pay hikes or benefits “locked in,” even without a new contract.

*Changing the Triborough Amendment, which now keeps public-employee-union contracts in effect even after they expire.

*No retroactive payments: The new contract starts when it’s signed.

Below is an Op-Ed by Mr. Astorino and he’s making it clear what his goals will be for labor and against any advancement of union benefits and rights.

Astorino - New York Post 

Will the New York State Fraternal Order of Police; Westchester County Correction Officers Benevolent Association; Yonkers Police Captains, Lieutenants, Sergeants Association; Westchester County Police PBA; Westchester County District Attorney Investigators and others support him for Governor?

Should these same law enforcement unions and associations continue to support him after time and time again he made it clear he was against labor rights?

If they do ,they have co-signed the end of labor rights as we know it in New York State.

Rob Astorino fooled us as County Executive. Middle Class New York Cannot afford him as Governor.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Astorino is turning up his Anti- Gun Safety Rhetoric with no Solution to Stop Gun Violence in our Communities

Astorino is turning up his Anti- Gun Safety Rhetoric with no Solution to Stop Gun Violence in our Communities
It’s reported that Astorino is turning up his anti- gun safety rhetoric at gun shows and rifle clubs and talking about the erosion of fundamental freedoms. His choice of a well-known opponent of the act as his running mate, Chemung County Sheriff Christopher Moss has shown they will be on the campaign trail throughout New York with talking points strait from the NRA and deep pocket Gun Manufacture Executives.

"The SAFE Act made no one safer in New York," Astorino said at a New Yorker's Family Research Foundation event in Albany in March. "All it did was make criminals out of law-abiding citizens."

It was reported that since the major provisions of the law took effect in March 2013, a total of 1,291 charges had been issued under the SAFE Act through Dec. 17, 2013 according to the state Division of Criminal Justice Services. Of those, 1,155 were for felony possession of an illegal firearm, which had been a misdemeanor prior to the new gun laws.

We stated in an earlier statement that many pro-Astorino contributions are expected from Second Amendment supporters and firearms-industry executives, who strongly opposed to the  “Safe Act. He would be no different then many other elected officials and candidates that cower for big contributions from organizations like the NRA to the detriment of public safety in the many communities in New York

What Astorino has failed to realized that analysis of data from 23 high-income countries reported that 87 percent of children under age 15 killed by guns in these nations lived in the United States. And the U.S gun homicide rate for teens and young adults 15 to 24 was 42.7 times higher than the combined gun homicide rate for that same age group in the other countries.

Many cities urban cities in southern New York have felt the damage of the loss of life from the influx of illegal guns in their communities. What will Astorino tell the many mothers that lost their love ones to gun violence?

Because of defiance and rhetoric of many Republicans nationally like Astorino, who have failed to pass any  comprehensive Gun Safety legislation, there has been over 100 mass shootings since Jan. 1, 2014 throughout the United States.

What we are left with is a Republican Candidate wanting to repeal a law made by a Democratic and has yet to offer any legislation of substance to replace it to address the influx of illegal guns in our cities in New York.

We ask Mr. Astorino, what about the fundamental freedoms of people to feel safe in their communities who are not gun enthusiast? Astorino, not a gun owner himself but he is still talking guns to garner votes and trying to find a sympathetic audience in northern New York.

Fourteen months after the passage of the SAFE Act, 63 percent of registered New York state voters say they support the SAFE Act, compared to just 32 percent who oppose it, according to a Siena College poll released March 24, 2014.

Pat Lynch, President of NYPD, Patrolman Benevolent Association and other law enforcement organizations in New York have publicly called for a ban of assault weapons and stiffer penalties on illegal weapons.

"There is no legitimate reason for an assault weapon with their high capacity magazines to ever be in the hands of a private citizen,” said Pat Lynch, head of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association.

“In their own ways, the majority of law enforcement officers and members of government work to protect their constituents from danger. “I will not sit by and watch another member of New York’s Boldest or any other New Yorker become yet another fatal statistic”, said Norman Seabrook, President of New York City Correction Officers Benevolent Association.

“From a law enforcement standpoint, there are general and legitimate concerns on how we are to protect our children and victims of gun violence, this bill is important”, said Darren Green, President, Blacks in Law Enforcement of America, Long Island Chapter.

“There is a sense of urgency for gun safety in all of our communities, this bill sends the right message. Increasing penalties, doing away with unnecessary large magazines is responsible legislation”, said Anthony Miranda, Chairman, National Latino Officers Association of America.

“Illegal guns in urban cities are now more American than Apple Pie. Universal background checks for all gun and ammunition sales, boosting the state's power to confiscate firearms from the mentally ill and increasing penalties for gun-related crime will save lives, especially law enforcement,”said Damon K. Jones, New York Representative, Blacks in Law Enforcement of America.

"We need positive solutions to stop illegal guns in our communities. The law is a positive first step in keeping guns out of the hands of youth", said Charles Billups, Chairmen, Grand Council of Guardians. 

The choice of County Sheriff Christopher Moss as Astorino's running mate will garner a few law enforcement organizations to support. Unfortunately, these same organizations that will stand against gun safety we will find that they was AWOL in Albany to voice their concerns about the gun legislation when it was passed.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Astorino Uses First Black County Legislator as another Cover for his Separatist Agenda for New York

It is reported that Pearl Quarles, first African-American to serve on Westchester County Legislature, is featured in an ad, criticizing Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the Democratic Party calling accountability to Rob Astorino's stance on a federal housing lawsuit.

"Shame on you Andrew Cuomo. Accusing Rob Astorino of discrimination is unforgivable," Quarles says in Astorino's video.

"You obviously don't know what racism is, so don't disrespect those of us who do."
For the Astorino Campaign to use Ms. Quarles  to defend his separatist stance is another insult to the Civil Rights movement, Black and White voters that understand the collataral damage of segregation.

Maybe Ms. Quarles does understand racism and so did the Federal Judge that ruled over the case in 2009.
In 2009 a Federal Judge ruled that the county had indeed“utterly failed” to meet its obligations and had misrepresented its desegregation efforts when it applied for more than $50 million in grants
Westchester has dozens of communities where the black and Hispanic populations are negligible. Instead of working to change that, the county left it up to local officials to decide where affordable housing would be built while turning a blind eye to the exclusionary practices white communities use to keep out minorities and the poor — imposing minimum lot sizes, thwarting high-density development and shifting vacant land to other uses.
Mr. Astorino and his allies have been pleading powerlessness, saying state laws granting home rule to local municipalities prevent them from doing anything meaningful to integrate Westchester. But as part of the agreement, the county admitted that it had the authority under state and federal law to challenge zoning rules and compel municipalities to integrate. Mr. Astorino and Westchester have a moral and a legal obligation to live up to the settlement. There is no excuse.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The former director of the Westchester County Solid Waste Commission has sued County Executive Rob Astorino, accusing him of "political cronyism."

The former director of the Westchester County Solid Waste Commission has sued County Executive Rob Astorino, accusing him of "political cronyism."

From The Journal News' James O'Rourke:
In the lawsuit filed in state Supreme Court, Bruce Berger -- who was appointed to the position by the Westchester County Board of Legislators in 2000 after nomination by Astorino's Democratic predecessor -- claims he was let go last month by Astorino's Republican administration based solely on political motivations.Berger, who also names Westchester County as a defendant in the suit, seeks unspecified damages and reinstatement as executive director of Solid Waste Licensing.In court documents, Berger claims Deputy County Executive Kevin Plunkett told him on April 10 "that he was being terminated from his position and that he was going to be replaced by a judge from Astorino's political party who had been defeated for re-election the prior November."

Astorino, of course, is the Republican candidate for governor. He'll challenge Gov. Andrew Cuomo this November.

Berger has been outspoken against Astorino since he was let go last month. His son confronted Astorino after a speech last month to New York University's Republican club.

Out-of-office message: Democrats accuse Astorino of abandoning county

Out-of-office message: Democrats accuse Astorino of abandoning county

Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino's Democratic critics have been hammering him for abandoning the county to campaign for governor since before he formally announced his intention to run.

Now that he has been designated as the Republican's answer to Andrew Cuomo, which was done with great fanfare at the New York State Republican Convention on Thursday in Rye Brook, the criticism is likely to escalate.

"I suspect he'll be spending even less time in the county now because he's going to have to get known in places that know him far less than Westchester," said county Legislator MaryJane Shimsky, D-Hastings.

Shimsky and seven other Democrats on the Board of Legislators recently introduced a resolution to strip Astorino of office and hold a special election to fill his seat as county executive. But without majority support, the resolution is more about making a political point. This month, the Astorino Truth Squad, the Democratic Party's vehicle for attacking Astorino, put out a calculator purporting to show the salary he's collected on days spent outside of Westchester. It's now at more than $25,000 for 41 days out of the office.

But Republican supporters and campaign officials said Astorino's run is no different from that of the many other politicians who have run for higher office. And modern technology makes it easy to stay in touch on county business.

"The alternative would be to have inexperienced people run for the higher offices," said Westchester GOP Chairman Doug Colety.

Bill O'Reilly, a campaign spokesman for Astorino, said he works "a gazillion hours" and will just have to find more hours in the day. If something pops up in the county, the campaign may have to wait, he said.

"The priority has to be the county first," O'Reilly said.

And it's a busy time in Westchester, with the Board of Legislators in the thick of both a review of a plan for the future of Playland Park that seems perpetually on the verge of falling apart, and lots of action on a major court settlement on fair housing from 2009. The administration is also sending down many pieces of new legislation, Shimsky said.

"Someone needs to be here to make sure they're moving the way they should," she said.
Chemung County Sheriff Christopher Moss, the candidate for lieutenant governor, also addressed the question of campaigning time after his acceptance speech Thursday.

"I usually put in 70 to 75 hours a week so I have a few hours to spare," he said. "I'll cut back a little bit on the amount of time I spend there. I have a qualified undersheriff to do a great job and we'll make sure that the sheriff's office is operating smoothly."

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Oil & Gas Industry, Firearm Executives Ready to Contribute Millions to Astorino's Campaign 
Its reported that Republican challenger Rob Astorino, badly trailing Gov. Cuomo in campaign cash, expects “several millions of dollars’’ in windfall Super PAC funding from across the nation as a result of last week’s federal court ruling in Manhattan, GOP insiders say.
Some of the funding is expected to come from wealthy oil- and gas-industry executives furious at Cuomo’s nearly 3¹/₂-year delay in making a decision on “fracking’’ for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale region of the Southern Tier near Binghamton.
Other pro-Astorino contributions are expected from Second Amendment supporters and firearms-industry executives, who strongly opposed to the  “Safe Act,’’  that was passed as an response to  the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings as well as  the many homicides in New York from illegal handguns. 

It is amazing that Mr. Astorino is so desperate to win he will take blood money from firearms industry executives. His acceptance will be a  slap in the face to the many families of victims in New York that was killed by illegal guns.
“There could be a lot of money coming into New York as a result of the ruling. There are a lot of folks across the country who have come to see Cuomo as a symbol of the Democrats’ positions on guns,’’ said a prominent Republican activist.

As Independent Democrats, we wait to see how many Police Unions stand with Astorino because his stance against the "Safe Act"  while being finance by the same gun manufacture executives that have allowed the influx of illegal weapons in our communities. 

Since many states and communities supported stricter gun laws and penalties.  The number of law enforcement authorities killed by gunfire dipped to 33 in 2013, the lowest total since the Wild West days of 1887, according to a report from a law enforcement advocacy group.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Rob Astorino wants Westchester Residents to pay for his Mistakes- Astorino Has Not Denounced Republican Jim Coughlan for his racist tweet

Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino has the audacity to offer a band-aid solution to the money being withheld by the federal government over the county's compliance with a major fair housing settlement in the recent state of the county address. He intends to borrow it.

Astorino said borrowing for the $5 million to fund sidewalks, affordable housing, nonprofit programming and other local development initiatives would cost households about $1 a year. 

What our Republican candidate for Governor is offering is another con artist trick. He tells you that he is saving you money in one hand but he asks you to please pay to support him for an unjust stance against equity and Civil Rights that has cost county taxpayers millions in federal grants in the other hand.
What Astorino is doing is an insult to the Civil Rights movement and the progression of racial equity in Westchester County and sets a terrible tone for politics in New York. 
Astorino actually believes that Westchester African Americans, Latinos, and other minorities who have been historically discriminated against through these zoning  laws will actually pay $1 to substitute the financial lost of Astorino's defiance. 
According to reports Astorino has lost a total of 20 million of grants because of his hard separatist stance since taking office. 
In is false cause for “removing the Department of Housing and Urban Development influence” many  local towns and cities will suffer tremendously.
Its reported that loses will include  $150,000 for the Lent Cove park in Buchanan; $75,000 for the Martin playground in Cortlandt;$67,000 for sidewalks in Elmsford; $100,000 for Waverly Avenue improvements in Mamaroneck; $125,000 for sidewalk repair on Grove Street and Brookside in Mount Kisco; $200,000 for sidewalk and infrastructure repairs on South and Brown streets in Peekskill;$383,000 for sidewalk and sewer repairs in Port Chester; $262,000for lighting and pedestrian safety improvements in Sleepy Hollow; and$150,000 in improvements to Downing Drive, Commerce Street, and Veterans Road in Yorktown.
With Rob Astorino's continuous Separatist stance, the loss of governmental grants that has adversely effected many cities and towns in Westchester County. He has the audacity to ask county taxpayers to fund his defiance. New Yorkers Just Cant Afford Astorino as Governor!
Will Rob Astorino denounce his Republican colleague Jim Coughlan, who is currently the Dutchess County Controller and a candidate for state Senate for his racial rants on twitter against MSNBC News Host Melissa Harris-Perry?
 “Keep your stinking paws off my kid, you damned dirty ape.” Coughlan tweeted

Any form of racism has no place in our New York Government

If Rob Astorino wants to lead the state of New York he must be brave enough to denounce his own Republican Party member when they are wrong!

Blatant racial statements like this has no place in Party Politics! Unless you believe in it!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Republicans Jim Coughlan and Rob Astroino have No Place in New York Government

It seems like New York State Republicans feel they can just do what they want when it comes to African Americans.

It has been reported that New York State Republican Jim Coughlan took his racist rants to twitter by calling MSNBC Melissa Harris-Perry in response to remarks she made about child-rearing that upset many conservatives.
“Keep your stinking paws off my kid, you damned dirty ape.” Coughlan tweeted.

A hateful association between Blacks and monkeys or apes was yet another way that the antebellum South justified slavery. Blacks were considered by some Whites to be more simian than human, and therefore had no self-evident rights, including freedom

Jim Coughlan is currently the Dutchess County controller and a candidate for state Senate.

What kind of New York Government will we have with Coughlan in the Senate and Astorino as Governor?
We have reported earlier that Republican Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino has his own ways of using racial "code words" in his campaign for Governor. 

Mr. Astorino is using the "local zoning laws", his "overreaching of government stance", labeling an organization "social justice"  with a dash of anti- Obama by using "cronies in DC" to scare a certain type of voter that believes in his separatist mindset to the poles.  read here
Republicans Coughlan and Astorino are using Race in different ways  to activate voters and motivate them to the polls. To believe otherwise—is absurd.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Rob Astorino's latest Campaign Email Uses Local Zoning Laws as a Cover to his Separatist Campaign

In Rob Astorino's recent campaign email he continues his Separatist ways by labeling an organization that brought a desegregation lawsuit in Nassau County as a "Social Justice" organization.

What does Astorino mean when he says "Social Justice"? Is that something you believe in?

What the Astorino campaign is doing is using what Ian Haney López, author of Dog Whistle Politics calls "racial code words" 
"This sort of coded speech operates on two levels," he says. "It triggers racial anxiety and it allows plausible deniability by crafting language that lets the speaker deny that he's even thinking about race."

Mr. Astorino is using the "local zoning laws", his "overreaching of government stance", labeling an organization "social justice"  with a dash of anti- Obama by using "cronies in DC" to scare a certain type of voter that believes in his separatist mindset to the poles.

In our last email we clearly explained the history of how local zoning laws prohibited African Americans and Latinos from buying and renting homes in Westchester and Nassau Counties. 
The Journal of Land and Public Utility  reported that by 1947, the majority of houses in Westchester, Queens and Nassau counties had covenants prohibiting sales to African Americans. 
Andrew Beveridge, a demographer at Queens College in New York who was a expert witness in the Westchester County suit stated "The segregation patterns were laid down early in Westchester County, were certainly set by the 1950s,and they continue today. 
How can Rob Astorino defend local zoning laws when these same laws were created to keep African Americans and Latinos out of these same communities? 
The Astorino campaign has completely ignored experts,has been defiant to a settlement and has remained constant in keeping laws that over decades have adversely kept African Americans out of specific communities. 
Astorino's  position in keeping African Americans and Latinos out of communities that historically kept them out through their zoning laws is no different than LA Clippers owner Ron Sterling attitude when he said, "he does not want blacks in his stadium".

Blaming the Federal Government for overreaching when they try to correct local zoning laws that adversely affect African Americans and Latinos of lower economic lifestyle from buying or renting homes is like blaming NBA Commissioner Adam Silver for overreaching when he penalized the LA Clippers owner  Ron Sterling for not wanting blacks in his stadium. 
Mr. Astorino, this is not about the Taxpayer!  First you supported a Segregated Westchester now You are running for Governor on a Segregated New York!